18. September 1954

Persönliche Botschaft des amerikanischen Außenministers Dul­les an Bundeskanzler Adenauer

I much appreciated the opportunity of talking to you and the chance to secure your views in detail on Thursday and Friday. I am sure this exchange will prove of great value for purposes of our common objectives in forthcoming international meetings. In frank discussions with Eden yester­day I was struck by his evident desire to find mutually satisfactory solution in near future in spite of difficulties that can be foreseen. I stressed to him importance of careful preparation, which I feel is not yet adequate, in advance of nine-power meeting to insure basis for positive accomplishment consistent with continued progress toward genuine European unity which can alone command unreserved support of your Government and mine. Eden is hopeful that Mendès-France will concur in NATO-Brussels Pact solution acceptable to other governments con­sulted, but awaits more specific information promised by Mendès-France in next few days, which I under­stand will also be communicated to all the other interested governments.

With kindest regards,

Foster Dulles


Quelle: NARA, RG 59, Box 2965, 662a.00/9-1854.