Mr. High Commissioner,
With reference to the French High Commissioner's letter of 29 September 1950, advising me of the viewpoint taken at the Foreign Minister's Conference in New York in respect of the validity of the German prewar treaties, I have the honour to transmit to you as an enclosure a first schedule of those prewar treaties which the Federal Government desires as soon as possible to have applied again in their former area of validity. This list has been broken down into multilateral and bilateral treaties, and it includes also those treaties of the German Reich which had been concluded for the contingency of war (e.g., the Hague Rules of Land Warfare), although the latter have not been cancelled or suspended as a result of the state of war and are therefore still effective.
I shall permit myself to supplement the attached schedule by further schedules as soon as the review of the other treaties has been completed. The supplementary schedules will also cover treaties of the German Reich concluded with countries which were not at war with Germany.
I beg your Excellency to accept the assurance of my high esteem.
Quelle: Elmer Plischke, Allied High Commission Relations with West German Government 1949-1951. Historical Division. Office of the Executive Secretary. Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. Ohne Ort [Bonn] 1952, S. 209.